Safeguarding communities, one page at a time.

Through programming inside school and community libraries, we can make a difference in the fight against online radicalization and targeted gun violence.

What is Shelve the Hate?

Shelve the Hate is a toolkit for action that provides resources to help create a safer world. These free resources are tailored for middle school, high school, college, and community libraries.

Together, we can make a difference.

Join us and Shelve the Hate!

What is online radicalization?

Online platforms, forums, and gaming sites are used to spread extremist views, recruit new members, and create an environment that leads to radicalization. Individuals can be influenced by and eventually adopt extremist beliefs.

What is targeted gun violence?

Using guns to deliberately and specifically harm or kill a particular individual or group is rampant in the U.S. Individuals using targeted gun violence plan to attack specific people based on personal grudges, conflicts, or motivations.


SHELVE gives specific steps we can all take in the fight against online extremism and targeted gun violence.

As trusted adults and students, we need to See, Hear, Evaluate, Learn, Voice, and Empower ourselves and others to tackle these difficult issues.

It’s time to SHELVE the Hate. Here’s how.


We have a duty to SEE changes in behavior that could result in violent behaviors. Noticing these changes early can make a big difference for those who are struggling.

  • How are students presenting themselves?

  • Are students avoiding others close to them?

  • Who are students looking up to in-person and online?

  • Is a student in your life idolizing people who hold extremist views?


We must have our ears open to HEAR what is being said around us. Listening for threats is incredibly important and can even save lives.

  • Are students or friends sharing extremist views?

  • Are they always talking about it, can't stop mentioning it, or seem fixated on certain people linked to it? That's a red flag.

  • Are they talking about creating acts of violence?

  • Are other students visibly uncomfortable with what is being said?


We should always EVALUATE behaviors and actions to identify risks before someone gets hurt.

  • Has a student suddenly changed their style, getting new tattoos related to the ideology, or ditching old stuff they used to love?

  • Is a student increasingly avoiding spending time with friends or family, or not hanging out with people they used to? It could be a sign that they might be getting more involved in this stuff.


Better information results in a better plan of action. LEARN about the resources and ways to help others who might be at risk for online radicalization or targeted gun violence.

  • Have you explored resources available through

  • Can you attend events at your school to educate yourself and others?

  • Ask yourself, what do I know now and what are my next steps?


We have a responsibility to VOICE our concerns.

  • Is it time to talk to a trusted adult at your school about any of these behaviors?

  • Do you need help from experts in the field? Call a confidential helpline at 1-844-497-3223 Monday - Friday, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (Eastern) or email at Since launching this helpline in 2017, Parents for Peace (P4P) has helped hundreds of families and individuals.

  • Is there an immediate threat? Contact emergency services at 911 or 988 for a mental health crisis.


Certain individuals may be more susceptible to social isolation, feelings of alienation, marginalization, personal crises, or exposure to extremist influencers and recruiters. We need to empower ourselves and others to get involved.

  • Are you staying connected with your loved ones? Extremist groups prey on fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. Reach out and show the people in your life that they are valued.

  • Are you encouraging your students and friends to seek help? Remind them that they can call a confidential helpline at 1-844-497-3223 Monday - Friday, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (Eastern). If you know someone is struggling but won’t get help, call the helpline for advice.

“We are just beginning to understand the roots of online radicalization and targeted gun violence. Programming in our school and community libraries makes information on these topics easily available. We need this NOW.”

— Katilin D., School Administrator


Questions about Shelve the Hate? Feel free to contact us.


(614) 251-4629