Organize a Shelve the Hate Event

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you plan an event with your library, in a class, or with other organizations.

Define the Purpose and Topic: Brainstorm the focus of your event. What do you want attendees to learn or gain from it?

Topics could include:

New online dangers and how to avoid them

Ways to manage stress and anxiety

Resilience 101: how to help yourself and others bounce back

How to recognize when a friend or loved one needs help

Select a Date and Time: Consider scheduling the event at a time when most students, faculty, and staff are available. Avoid conflicting with major exams, holidays, or other school events. Also, check the availability of the library or other space for your chosen date and time.

Reserve the Library Space: Contact the librarian or appropriate school authority to reserve the space for your event. Provide them with the date, time, and duration of the event, as well as any specific setup requirements you may have.

Plan the Program: Outline the structure and content of your event. Decide if you'll have guest speakers, presentations, interactive activities, or discussions. (Use the Discussion Guides on this website). Consider inviting community partners who can lend credibility to your event. (See Unity Week for ideas). Create a detailed schedule with allocated time slots for each segment.

Promote the Event: Spread the word about your event to attract attendees. Use various communication channels such as school announcements, posters, social media, and email newsletters. The Shelve the Hate resources on this website can help. Highlight the benefits of attending and any special features or guest speakers.

Prepare Materials and Resources: Gather all necessary materials and resources for the event, including presentation slides, handouts, visual aids, and any technology or equipment you'll need. Make sure everything is organized and ready to go on the day of the event.

Set Up the Space: Arrive early on the day of the event to set up the space. Arrange chairs, tables, and any displays or equipment according to your planned layout. Test any audiovisual equipment to ensure everything is working properly.

Welcome Attendees: Greet attendees as they arrive and provide them with any necessary information or materials. Make them feel welcome and comfortable in the space.

Facilitate the Event: Follow your planned program and facilitate the various activities or presentations. Keep the event running smoothly by managing time effectively and encouraging participation from attendees.

Collect Feedback: After the event, gather feedback from attendees to evaluate its success and identify areas for improvement. Consider using surveys, comment cards, or informal discussions to gather feedback on the content, format, and overall experience.

Follow-up: Follow up with speakers and attendees to thank them for participating and provide any additional resources or information related to the event topic. Maintain communication with interested individuals and continue to foster engagement around these important topics.